HYDROWOOD Samuel Warman

Samuel Warman
University of Tasmania

Through my research into Simon Ancher Furniture Designer, I have chosen to explore his
use of hydrowood.

Below the waters of Lake Pieman on Tasmanian West Coast lies specialty timbers hidden and preserved for over 25 years. In 1986 the Reece Dam walls were completed, flooding the natural river systems. As the water levels rose an ancient forest was lost and Lake Pieman was formed.

Due to the high demand for Tasmanian special species timbers and low supply. The possibility of extracting these specialty timbers pioneered a more sustainable, environment friendly forestry option. Through partnerships with University of Tasmania the timber was assessed and CSAW found that if it was dried properly, Hydrowood became a very stable and commercially viable product.

Hydrowood is providing a valuable alternative to our traditional logging methods allowing craftsmen like Simon Ancher a more sustainable option for Tasmanian Special Timbers.

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