FELT Samantha Lester

Samantha Lester
University of Tasmania

Through researching the Tasmanian textiles artist Cindy Watkins, I have begun to consolidate my ideas around my final project. My chosen material is felt, I have decided to use felt due to its tactility, availability and its low environmental impact, both in production and biodegradable properties.

Although I will be using felt instead of cotton or linen, I am influenced by Cindy’s use of visible stitching and tactile design. I'm also inspired by her use of homemade plant dyes, which are sourced from plants in the areas she visits to gain inspiration for her work as well as her use of natural stitching fibres such as cotton and silk. 

Through researching fabric based design, I was also inspired by Sophia Chung’s work ‘Suspense’ which focuses on encouraging viewers to interact with the lycra tunnels that make up the exhibition. I am drawn to the material felt as I feel it will provide the sensory engagement I’m wanting to explore in my final object and encourage a similar level of curiosity. 

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